Monday, January 14, 2019

Free Download Survivor Royale 1.139

Free Download Survivor Royale 1.139

Download Survivor Royale 1.139 For Free

Survivor Royale is an online multiplayer action game for Android in which you have to do whatever it takes to survive and be the last player standing

Similar to a Battle Royale for Android, here comes Survivor Royale, an online multiplayer video game in which we'll control a character that's parachuted onto an island together with another 99 players. From the moment we touch the ground, we'll have to do whatever it takes to get hold of weapons to be able to attack our enemies and defend ourselves against them whenever necessary.

Application Details

  • Name : Survivor Royale
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.139
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : NetEase Games
As you already know, if you want to win you'll have to be the last player standing. For such purpose, you'll have to part in an all-vs-all combat although you'll sometimes be able to resort to a collaborate two or four-player mode that can help you to survive on certain occasions.

The action takes place on a scenario with loads of different geographical elements: plains, mountains, rivers or forests, as well as all sorts of buildings where you'll be able to hide and where your enemies will try to build a stronghold.

It's a video game that incorporates some really decent graphics and that combines different aspects inherent to action games of the likes of shooters.
If you're looking for the latest version of Survivor Royale for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Survivor Royale for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2..

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