Saturday, February 16, 2019

Free Download FilmoraGo  3.1.4

Free Download FilmoraGo 3.1.4

Download FilmoraGo 3.1.4 For Free

FilmoraGo is a complete video and photo application for Android that's really intuitive to use and allows us to obtain results with a professional quality

There are hardly any Android video editors out there that offer us the performance of FilmoraGo. It's a tool that comes along with all the image editing functions necessary to obtain an almost professional result and totally free of charge without any kind of watermarks. Part of its success lies in how easy it is to use, as its interface is really simple and intuitive so that any user can soon master any of its many options.

Application Details

  • Name : FilmoraGo
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 3.1.4
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : Wondershare
These are some of the functions included in one of the most complete video editing apps that you can download for Android:

Downloading this APK offers you all these functions for free but you can also buy new filters and effects to add to the free ones by means of in-app purchases.

There are hardly any Android video editors out there that offer us the performance of FilmoraGo. It's a tool that comes along with all the image editing functions necessary to obtain an almost professional result and totally free of charge without any kind of watermarks. Part of its success lies in how easy it is to use, as its interface is really simple and intuitive so that any user can soon master any of its many options. Themes, music, filters, subtitles, transitions... enhance any aspect of your videos These are some of the functions included in one of the most complete video editing apps that you can download for Android: Combine photos and videos. Preview clips in real time. Import contents from social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. Add templates and effects with a single tap. It comes along with a long list of themes as well as the possibility to add music from our device. Export contents in 1:1 format for Instagram or 16:9 for YouTube. Advanced editing tools: play videos backward, slow down and speed up videos, create transitions between images, add layers and filters, insert texts and static or animated titles, add graphics, fast and slow motion camera effects, export contents in HD... Downloading this APK offers you all these functions for free but you can also buy new filters and effects to add to the free ones by means of in-app purchases.
If you're looking for the latest version of FilmoraGo for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download FilmoraGo for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.2..

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