Monday, December 2, 2019

Free Download PS4 Remote Play  3.0.0

Free Download PS4 Remote Play 3.0.0

Download PS4 Remote Play 3.0.0 For Free

You can play on your PlayStation 4 on your Android smartphone's screen with PS4 Remote Play, the app that allows you to resume your games on your phone

PS4 gamers that also own a Sony Xperia smartphone have quite a few exclusive advantages. One of them is the PS4 Remote Play system. What's that all about? Well, it's all down to not having to fight over the TV ever again. This technology allows us to play on our console using our phone's screen: you can even resume your games where you left them off when your dad, mon or son interrupted you and took away the remote control to watch their favorite programs.

Application Details

  • Name : PS4 Remote Play
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 3.0.0
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : Sony Corporation
This technology is really useful to be able to play wherever you want, although it also has a tiny drawback, and that's that it's only compatible with Sony phone belonging to the Xperia range and not all of them, so you'll have to check if yours is compatible. That reduces the target audience quite a but there's not much more we can do as the app is only focused on these users. This is the list of supported phones:

The only other requirements are to have your phone and video console connected to the same WiFi network. For things to run smoothly, we recommend you to have a high-speed Internet connection, preferably a home network, so forget about connecting to a public hotspot. Some users have complained that certain games aren't compatible so you had better pray for your favorite titles to be supported. Furthermore, we also have to have our console's software up to date. After that, just pick up your DualShock gamepad and start playing.

If everything is OK, you can play whenever you want even if you're never allowed to use the TV set in the living room to wipe out the next final boss.
If you're looking for the latest version of PS4 Remote Play for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download PS4 Remote Play for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.

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